Innovation- Working Papers

  1. Gross, Dan, and Maria Roche. “Coordinated R&D Programs and the Creation of New Industries.” Revise and resubmit at Strategic Management Journal.
  2. Gross, Dan, Jorge Guzman, and Innessa Colaiacovo. “The Composition and Dynamics of Technology-enabled Entrepreneurship.” Revise and resubmit at Strategic Management Journal.
  3. Belenzon, Sharon, and Larisa Cioaca. “Guaranteed Public Demand and Corporate Scientific Research.” NBER Working Paper 28644.
  4. Arora, Ashish, Sharon Belenzon, Konstantin Kosenko, JK Suh, and Yishay Yafeh. “The Rise of Scientific Research in Corporate America.” NBER Working Paper 29260.
  5. Arora, Ashish, Sharon Belenzon, Larisa Cioaca, Lia Sheer, and Hansen Zhang. “The Effect of Public Science on Corporate R&D.”
  6. Shvadron, Dror. “Bread Upon the Waters: Corporate Science and the Benefits from Follow-On Public Research.”